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Moderated by Adele Annesi with Pat Dunn, Christine Kalafus, Valerie Bolling, Liz Matthews, & Sherri T. Mercer
For most of us, 2021 was a year of transition and uncertainty, a time between the already and the not yet. As we begin a new year and new season of life in 2022, what changes can we anticipate in our writing lives and with our writing goals? What will remain the same? What questions still plague us? What do we hope for, long for, aspire to? Join us for an insightful, interactive discussion of these topics and plans for how we can bring our goals to fruition in ways that motivate and inspire as we move from isolation to community. Bring your questions for Q&A.
WHERE: online via Zoom
TIME: 10am to 11:30am
DATE: Saturday, January 22nd