The Westport Writers’ Workshop will hold its first annual Westport Writers Pitch and Publish Your Book Conference on Saturday, April 2, 2022, with a networking reception on Friday, April 1, 2022, at 7:00pm. The conference events will be held at the Westport Library with WestportWRITES, a program of the Westport Library.
In today’s marketplace, writers need to know more about the ever-changing publishing process and its constituents than ever. This must attend writer’s conference will be held in person and online with a full agenda of panels, talks, and networking opportunities for commercial and literary fiction and nonfiction writers.
A list of guest agents, editors, and speakers is forthcoming soon.
Westport Writers’ Workshop has planned an exciting plethora of interactive panel discussions with prominent New York City literary agents, major publishing house editors, and public relations professionals. A highlight of the day will be our guest agent and author talk with Q&A, followed by the rare opportunity to pitch your book in a one-to-one session with agents. Each event will also be recorded and attendees will have access to watch and replay these important sessions.
Writers who have registered for the conference have the option to discuss their work in person at the library or via Zoom with two agents for 10 minutes each (included in the cost of registration).
Prepare Your Pitch Workshops are expected to be announced in the near future.
AGENDA for Saturday Conference
0800 - 0900 Registration
0915 - 0930 Welcome Orientation
0930 - 1045 Agent Panel Discussion
1045 - 1100 Short Break
1100 - 1215 Editors Panel Discussion
1215 - 130 BREAK FOR LUNCH
The library sits within downtown Westport where attendees will find a variety of restaurants offering a discount for conference attendees.
130 - 230 How to build a platform to market your writing
230 - 330 Agent and Author Talk about the journey to publication
330 - Final Comments
345 - 600 One-to-One agent & attendees meetings begin
Pricing includes the Saturday conference, two pitches, and entrance to the networking reception on Friday evening.
Registration fee: $675
Early bird discount registration available until February 9th: $575