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This course is for more experienced writers in the process of revising a completed manuscript or close to completing a first draft of a novel or memoir. This workshop gives writers the opportunity to have their full manuscripts read and critiqued. Students should be prepared to read and discuss their work, and the work of their classmates, in terms of language, story, dialogue, theme, character development, dramatic arc, plot, structure, setting, and other craft issues essential to a successful book. This course will also give you the opportunity to prepare your novel or memoir for the marketplace. Please be prepared to read the full manuscripts of each student in the class; one student's book will be discussed every other week in class.
Enrollment requires permission of the instructor. If you would like to be considered for this workshop, please submit a writing sample of your manuscript (up to 10 pages).
WHERE: Online via ZOOM
TIME: 12noon to 2pm EST
DATES: 12 Wednesdays -- February 2, 8, 16,March 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, April 6, 13, 27, May 4
For more info, call 203.227.3250 or email