Verso University: The Intermediate Novel (with Westport Library)
The answers to your story’s questions are in your first draft. In this FREE, four-week intermediate novel workshop you will generate pages, explore and apply key elements of craft: character development, setting, point of view, scene vs. narration, conflict and suspense and structure. You will also learn to evaluate your current writing process to determine what’s working and not working for you. Beware: YOU WILL WRITE!
First session: Tuesday, August 8, 3 - 4:30 pm EDT
Treat yourself to a week of creativity and community in one of the most majestic locations on the planet - Italy's naturally bedazzled Amalfi Coast.
Currently closed to registration. Click here for more information.
Advanced Novel Writing: Full Manuscript – Patricia Dunn
January 19, 26 February 2, 9, 16 March 2, 16, 23, 30, April 20, 27 May 4
This course is for more experienced writers in the process of revising a completed manuscript or close to completing a first draft of a novel or memoir. This workshop gives writers the opportunity to have their full manuscripts read and critiqued. Students should be prepared to read and discuss their work, and the work of their classmates, in terms of language, story, dialogue, theme, character development, dramatic arc, plot, structure, setting, and other craft issues essential to a successful book. This course will also give you the opportunity to prepare your novel or memoir for the marketplace. Please be prepared to read the full manuscripts of each student in the class; one student's book will be discussed every other week in class.
Enrollment requires permission of the instructor. If you would like to be considered for this workshop, please submit a writing sample of your manuscript (up to 10 pages).
There's a Story in Every Day: 1 Day Writing Retreat- Patricia Dunn -- IN PERSON
Sunday, March 19, 2023
There are two things aspiring and established writers need and crave: time and space. During this one day retreat we give ourselves the gift of time. In the nurturing space of the workshop, we begin or continue to write the stories we live every day. Using our histories, our memories, and our senses as launching pads, we will begin to transform the ordinariness of our lives into extraordinary fiction and non-fiction.
This day is for those who want to write but don’t yet believe they have anything to say, as well as for those who know what they want to say but need the time and space in which to do it. This one day, through tailored writing prompts, you will be given the guidance to write the stories you are destined to write.
You will also be given the 21-day challenge to keep you writing.
Mentoring for Long Form Fiction - Advanced - with Patricia Dunn
Rolling admissions year-round
This innovative, one-on-one program combines personalized instruction in the art and craft of long form fiction with meeting goals, sustaining motivation, finding support, publishing, and more. The program provides support for your project, and you as a writer, from a published writing professional, editor and 2022 Westport's Poet Laureate.
The program lasts eight (8) weeks. Depending on your project and needs, we will schedule when you will submit writing and when you will receive feedback. Typically, mentees submit up to five (5) pages of writing each week and receive feedback within two (2) days along with substantial ideas and resources. Mentoring is suitable for students writing individual pieces or one longer work of fiction.